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Updated: 19-Nov-2003
VDH Homepage

The Local Health Department (LHD) is responsible for Bird & Human Surveillance, Education and Guidance.
Bird Surveillance:

The LHD is the initial contact for birds related to WNV:

  1. A reporting system for sightings of dead wild birds to track possible increases due to an appearance of WNV.  We will be collecting information on name of the caller, type of bird, location and date the bird was found.

Only Crows, Blue jays and Raptors (hawks, falcons, eagles and owls) will be tracked this year. 

Once a number of WNV confirmed positive infected birds are found in a particular geographic area, it becomes evident that WNV is established in that area and reporting for that geographic area will stop.

Human Surveillance:
  1. Coordinate and track all human case surveillance activities.
  2. Provide medical outreach and consultation to physicians and medical facilities.

Education and the Media:
  1. Provide updates, brochures, fact sheets and fliers for distribution and posting.
  2. Work with local government and non-governmental agencies to raise awareness of prevention methods and reduce mosquito-breeding sites.
  3. Send out news releases and do media follow-up calls and interviews.
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