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Updated: 19-Nov-2003
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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) 540-886-4221 and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 540-574-7846 do not deal directly with mosquitoes, however, they are involved with possible mosquito habitats and any change in there present configuration.  If you intend to modify any bodies of water, both should be contacted to ensure you are going to be doing everything within compliance with these entities having jurisdiction. 

The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the U. S." including adjacent wetlands.  This means any proposed project to discharge fill material into streams (including intermittent or periodically dry stream beds), ponds, lakes, and wetlands.

DEQ enforces the Virginia Water Protection Permit (VWP) regulation that is very strict with regard to the alteration of streams and wetlands.  Any filling, draining, or channelization of streams and wetlands is illegal without a permit.   

The VWP Regulation follows: 

9VAC25-210-50. Prohibitions and requirements for VWP permits.

A. Except in compliance with a VWP permit, no person shall dredge, fill or discharge any

pollutant into, or adjacent to surface waters, or otherwise alter the physical, chemical or

biological properties of surface waters, excavate in wetlands, or on or after October 1, 2001 , conduct the following activities in a wetland:

1. New activities to cause draining that significantly alters or degrades existing wetland
    acreage or functions;

2. Filling or dumping;

3. Permanent flooding or impounding; or

4. New activities that cause significant alteration or degradation of existing wetland acreage or 

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